Recent Posts

All the long form blub that no one is going to read is bunched up here


And I am back to YouTube...

I had a good reason to go back (we always have a good reason. Don't we?)


Now a week off YouTube...

I last watched a YouTube video a week ago and man, has it been something


I quit social media and got addicted to YouTube

The digital definition of evading a pothole and driving straight into a pit.


Don't tell, cause thought

People don't listen when you tell them something. Simple fact of life, so don't tell them. Make them think.


Defeating WhatsApp

A programmer in Zimbabwe's greatest enemy is WhatsApp. How do we defeat it? I have no idea


The Catch of Forex Trading...

This year marks 3 years since I started learning how to trade... Here's something I learnt


Put your eggs in one basket

Having a 'Plan B' is bad for 'Plan A'


My current experience with impostor syndrome

A bit more quiet and shush from me...


Are Minister Mahendere's lyrics biblical?

Minister Mahendere's popular song "Tangai Neni" came into question yesterday and I fell down a rabbit hole. Are they biblical?