Recent Posts

All the long form blub that no one is going to read is bunched up here


I never understood Nelson Mandela until now...

I see a parallel between his struggles and the challenges we face in Zimbabwe, where hope can often seem elusive. Despite the systemic obstacles, I believe in the power of hope and the potential of my generation to restore it.


Run Faster by Training Slower

We all think that the most results come for putting in 100% all the time, but that's just not it.


Praying about the Comfort Pandemic

When should we stop praying and start listening?


Shhh, let's not talk about sin

The big, pink elephant wearing a crop-top in the room we ignore


Starting & Maintaining An Exercise Habit

Based off my recent interactions with people, here are a few pointers on how to keep an exercise habit.


A Sign of Good Health You Don't Know About

Should your heart rate be regular and constant when you are resting, or should it be all over the place? What's the right thing? (Might surprise you)


Let There Be Light?

In this article, I dive into the links between light and our sleep and health. In addition, I highlight the importance of waking up at the same time every day.


The Misconception of Fruit Juice

Is it really the healthy alternative that it claims to be?


Your Bacteria and Fibre

Explore the world of gut microbes with me plus why fibre is very important! Learn about these tiny organisms in our digestive system and their impact on our health.