On leadership and Hitler...

If you don’t know what arm-chair commentary is, this is it. Saying something just because you had thoughts while sitting on your arm chair, regardless of you thinking the thoughts through or not.

But that the beauty of having your own website right? I can edit this or post another one later when I have ironed out my thoughts😂.

I have been pondering the power of leadership; the achievements and things accomplished by a group of people are really determined by the quality of leadership that the group has. And that is obvious. We have read it so many times from books by John Maxwell, heard it so many times from YouTube motivational speakers (also known as day light scammers) and the likes…

But knowing something is one thing. Experiencing it is another.

Hitler was ‘Hitler’

My thoughts ultimately led me to Hitler. The idea of someone like Hitler actually doing what Hitler did should be absurd to literally everyone.

This is a man who had the most radical beliefs among a group of people but managed to convince 60 million + other people of what he believed.

I’d get it if he had more “in the middle views”, but Hitler literally preached “death to the Jews” and even the people who didn’t subscribe to that, got into the act.

Sidenote: the historians among you will interject and say “He violence and murder to force people into submission” and you’d actually be proving what I am saying.

The fact that he got into that position that people were willing to lie, kill, destroy, all in the name of the Fuhrer is astonishing to say the least.


Hitler and so many other leaders you can name, these characters are proof of the power of leadership, good or bad. Whatever a group of people will achieve (once again, good or bad) lie solely on the leadership they have.

Whether it is committing one of the biggest ethnic cleansings in history or starting the most valuable company in the world, it’s all on the leadership!

From scripture

To quote scripture

Then Jesus told them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me, for it is written: “’I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’ Matthew 26 vs 31

We are headless chickens without a shepherd. We have no direction. And even when the shepherd is there, us as a flock are only as good as the one shepherding us.


Back to square one I suppose.

I had nowhere I was going with this despite retelling the obvious.

Which is what I said in the introduction. When I discover where I wanted to go with this thought train, I’ll add.

Thanks for reading! Congratulate yourself on not having the attention span of a housefly for reading this far because of all this TikTok, dopamine nonsense.

Your next article...

I never understood Nelson Mandela until now...

Read it...